What Will He Find?

Luke 18:8 “…Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

I heard a radio host ask a question the other day. “What is one thing you believe with all your heart?” He wanted to know what principles remain nonnegotiable, no matter what others say. Many thoughts flooded my mind. The importance of choosing forgiveness, of being thankful, of being generous, of repenting when we mess up. Of prioritizing God in all of life.

I realize everything I hold most dear relies on faith.

In the 17th chapter of Luke, when Jesus told his disciples to forgive people who repeatedly offended them, they exclaimed, “Increase our faith!” (v.5). They knew it took more than looking at life through natural eyes to carry out the Lord’s command. Sometimes it takes looking beyond the present to just do our duties. Faith keeps us from falling into an “I deserve” mentality (v.10). When Jesus healed the ten lepers and only one came back to thank him, he told the leper his faith had made him well (v. 19). Do you see the connecting link between faith and gratitude?

So whether Jesus calls us to forgive, to complete our work or to be thankful, faith stands at the helm and waves us forward.

But faith is never more crucial than when we face uncertain times. Jesus tells us clearly in Luke 18, to persist in prayer and never give up. He relates the parable of the persistent widow who pleaded with the judge again and again for justice. The judge at first refused her requests, but eventually relented just to get her off his back. Jesus says God takes our cries far more seriously than the unjust judge. But when he returns, will he find persistent faith?

As I anticipate the new year, I would be overwhelmed with uncertainty…if it weren’t for my faith in God. In our personal lives, in our country with upcoming elections, and in an increasingly unstable world, we’re not gonna’ make it without faith.

So I pray whatever uncertainty you face in the new year, you choose faith to lead you through. Let God’s promises be the one thing you believe with all your heart. If the Son of Man comes in 2024, let him find faith in you. And in me.


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