
Matthew 1:23 “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).

My husband and I recently drove from Pennsylvania to Rhode Island to watch our 6-year-old grandson star as the Grinch in his kindergarten play. We weren’t driving that distance expecting a Broadway performance, or even a great performance, for that matter. We just wanted to see him, to be with him.

The next day we had opportunity to attend a basketball practice and watch both our grandsons dribble and shoot. Again, we weren’t looking for a thrilling athletic event. We just wanted to affirm them and in a small way be a part of their lives. We desired to be with them because of who they are, not because of perfect performances. Love longs to be near the one it loves.

That heralds the message of Christmas, doesn’t it? Immanuel, God with us. God loves us so much that he came to be near. Near to our hopes, near to our fears, near to our laughter, our tears, even our sin.

But that is not a message Satan wants us to hear. Like the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas from the Who’s, Satan tries to steal God’s message of love. Form the beginning, he attempted to thwart God’s plan to be with us by working through Herod’s jealousy. Herod wanted the Magi to tell him where Jesus was born so he could kill him as an infant, and when he didn’t succeed, he became so furious, he ordered all the baby boys in Bethlehem under two years old to be slaughtered (Matt. 2:12-16). That didn’t work either.

Yet, as we know, Satan didn’t relent. He tried to lure Jesus away from the message all the way to the cross. But nothing, absolutely nothing, could stop Immanuel from being Immanuel! Such is the triumphant, powerful love of God.

His love continues to express itself in his desire to be with us. Not because we’re perfect. In fact, as the hymnist writes, we are quite “ornery people.” I hope you know how much God wants to be with you. I pray this Christmas you reflect on a love so profound, that no Grinch could ever steal it.


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