What Not To Forget

Ephesians 1:16 “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers”

When my husband asked me if I was ready for our small group Bible study the other night, I responded with a resounding “Yes!” Focusing on Ephesians 1:15-23, I knew we would be discussing gratitude. Over the years, the concept of cultivating thankfulness has not only become a reoccurring theme in my writing, but an essential part of my life.

Thankfulness builds our faith. When Paul heard of the Ephesians’ response to the gospel, his unceasing gratitude for their salvation didn’t end there. It led him to pray bigger prayers on their behalf. He prayed they would know God even more. I’ve discovered that every prayer I launch from a mindset of thankfulness enables me to believe for greater things.

The more we give thanks, the more we recognize God’s working in our lives. It’s easy to overlook the small areas of his goodness, but I believe that’s where the battle of faith is won. In our Bible study we shared our gratitude for different situations we were recently experiencing. One mother was grateful her six-year-old’s recent fall didn’t cause serious injury. A couple reported how God had faithfully pulled together their homeschool curriculum. Someone else gave thanks for how the Lord had made a way for her family to get a dog. As each one expressed gratefulness, the rest of us grew in our faith a little bit more.

I journal every morning and always begin with expressing gratitude to God for the small things. As I looked over my entries the other day, I counted a boatload of specific things on every page. Thank you for how last night’s class went. And thank you that I even have classes to teach. Thank you we got to spend the week in Nashville with our new grandson before the semester began. Thank you for your perfect timing……

I don’t ever want to forget to give thanks. Because if I do, it won’t be long until I stop seeing God work in my life. I want to remember that every good thing I have comes from the Father of Lights. And every struggle I face offers me opportunity to become more of the person he created me to be.

So friend, although you might forget many things, don’t let giving thanks be one of them.

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