It’s Not About You

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

I had been invited to do a TV interview about my recently published book, Between the Lamp Posts. Full of excitement for the opportunity, I arrived at the station bright and early. After a brief tour of the studio, we settled in the green room until it was time for my makeup. Up until now, things had gone pretty smoothly. But as soon as the makeup artist started applying my makeup, my comfort zone evaporated. I don’t wear much makeup anyway, and to have a total stranger literally inches from my face, trying to cover up every single facial flaw proved to be a bit unnerving.

So when she asked why I wrote my book, all coherent thinking escaped my mind. I tried to answer, but as I talked, all I could think about was mascara and lip gloss. I’m going to be on TV in a few minutes and I can’t even remember what prompted me to write the book! When she finished, I asked the producer if he had a copy of my book laying around. I wanted to re-read the introduction to jog my memory!

My anxiety now on high alert, my husband reminded me of what I always say to my public speaking students before they give a speech: It’s not about you. It’s about your audience. So I took my own advice, and by the time the interviewers asked me the first question, I wasn’t thinking about myself anymore. My desire to communicate with them superseded my self-consciousness.

Paul said the life he lived was no longer about himself; it was about the One who lived within him. He must have encountered many circumstances that pushed him out of his comfort zone, but I doubt he ever defaulted on his set focus. It’s only when we make life about ourselves that self-consciousness has the opportunity to derail us.

God has a purpose for you and for me much greater than a TV interview. But it will only come about if we remember this: It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s about him.

Here are my 10 minutes of fame if you’re interested:

One Reply to “It’s Not About You”

  1. Great reminder – I’m glad I found you today. I also have a couple devotions at christiandevotions where I spotted you.
    I’ll stop by your site again sometime.