
2 Chronicles 21:20 “…He passed away, to no one’s regret, and was buried in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.”

What a eulogy! King Jehoram died “to no one’s regret.” In his eight short years as king of Judah, he managed to murder all his brothers, lead the country into idol worship and fight constant wars,   wars that resulted in defeat and plunder by surrounding nations. A painful bowel disease took his life. And everyone was relieved at his passing.

Jehoram was Jehoshaphat’s oldest son, and Jehoshaphat, although imperfect, was one of the good guys in the annals of Judah’s kings. So what happened? Scripture indicates Jehoram was influenced by his wife, who happened to be a daughter of the infamous Ahab. She was evil to the core; she almost succeeded in wiping out the whole Davidic line of kings in Judah.

Evil only needs a small piece of our heart to take over. Although we may have experienced the light of the gospel, we need to be diligent in not succumbing to the dimming fog of compromise. I like how Missionary David Brown puts it, “Just as the light penetrates the darkness, so the darkness catches up with the light.” And the “darkness that follows the light is the worst kind.” Jehoram had basked in the light under the reign of his father Jehoshaphat. But he allowed the darkness to snuff it out…and the whole nation plunged into apostasy.

According to “Wookiepedia,” lightsabers are the laser swords used primarily by Star Wars Jedi. The power radiating from them can be offensive or defensive. They can cut through just about anything, even deflecting back shots lodged toward them by their enemies.

I must confess, I’m not a big Star Wars fan, but the thought of lightsabers intrigues me. I can’t help but think we followers of Christ are like those lightsabers. We are “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We have been given the responsibility to fend off the darkness—the darkness within ourselves as well as the encroaching darkness that threatens to overtake the world. It’s an assignment that extends to every believer everywhere.

So, my fellow lightsaber-er, don’t let any part of your light be compromised. Don’t let the darkness take even an inch. Let your light shine brightly and boldly. You’ll have no regrets.

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