Exciting News!

Keep Your Lamp Burning Book CoverI have some exciting news to share with you. The release of my new book, Keep Your Lamp Burning: Devotions to Help You Reflect God’s Love, Your Faith and Purpose, is now available for purchase! Based on Jesus’ parable of the ten bridesmaids, it explores the importance of keeping our lamps burning. Of shining in an increasingly dark world, lest we end up like the five women who ran out of oil.

The book is divided into six parts, each section offering devotional thoughts on some question surrounding the topic. It includes sections like Who Shines the Light and to Whom? Why Does It Matter? What Does the Oil Provide? How Do We Replenish the Oil? Where and When Do We Shine the Light? You are already familiar with my writing, so you know insights based on Scripture and personal examples lie at the heart of my work. My desire is that these readings will inspire you and encourage you to apply Biblical principles to your life.

If you would like to purchase a copy (or multiple copies for Christmas presents), I would be happy to sign them personally if you order directly from me. My email is beckytoews@newcovcc.us. You can also order copies from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Lancaster Bible College has copies in the student bookstore, Bookends, where I will be having a book signing on November 16, 10 am- 1pm, if you are interested and happen to live in the Lancaster area.

Writing this book has been a labor of love for me. It has drawn me closer to the One who gives me the thoughts, ideas and insights. And I hope it does the same for you.

To God Be the Glory!

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