Many Good Things

Isaiah 63:7 “I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.”

I was leaving for church a few weeks ago when my phone rang. It was my 4-year-old grandson. He said, “Mommy told me you were getting ready for church, but I just wanted to call and tell you I love you. Have a nice day.” His 6-year-old brother then got in on the action by telling me one of his jokes. Since they live about six hours away and we see them so infrequently, you can imagine the heartstring pulls.

Interestingly, I had just been asking the Lord to help me be a better grandma! Then this. The phone call reminded me of how God kindly brings so “many good things” to our lives.

It’s something, according to Isaiah, we should be talking about.

In the 64th chapter, Isaiah recalls some pretty big “good things” God has done for Israel. In his righteousness, God destroyed Israel’s enemies. He made them his people. When they felt distressed, he, too, was distressed, and sent angels to save them. Even when they turned away from him, he never withdrew his compassion, but reminded them of his ongoing faithfulness.

Whether big “good things” or small incidents, like a grandson’s timely phone call, we are all recipients of many good things from the Lord. But we don’t always talk about them because I’m afraid we don’t always recognize them. Especially if we tend to be glass-half-empty types. I understand. I’ve been there. But thankfully, the more I acknowledge God’s kindnesses, the more kindnesses I see.

So here’s a practical suggestion. Get a notebook, tablet or laptop and start listing three good things to every bad thing you’re thinking about. For example, my grandsons live six hours away (that’s a “bad thing”). Good things: 1. They get to visit us for a whole week this summer.  2. My daughter makes sure we have regular face-time. 3. God hears my prayers for them. (I actually could fill the page with “many good things”).

Friend, you don’t have to be stuck with half-empty glasses. God wants to fill your cup with many good things. Let him. Then talk about it!

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