Goodwill Toward Men?

Proverbs 14:9 “Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright.” [NIV]

Goodwill. Although expressions of “peace on earth” and “goodwill toward men” flourish in the Christmas season, peace remains elusive. And if goodwill describes willing good for others, I’m afraid we’re falling short. No surprise in a fallen world. But when the tentacles of division and bitterness slip into the Church, alarming consequences follow. George McDonald writes, “Division has done more to hide Christ from the view of all men than all the infidelity that has ever been spoken.”

I recently read an article about the huge divide in evangelical churches over cultural issues. I believe there’s an underlying reason. Pollster George Barna found that 61% of American Christians say all religious faiths are of equal value. And they don’t consider the Holy Spirit a real person. When the church doesn’t offer sound biblical teaching, people look to the culture for truth. No wonder we’re mimicking the world’s lack of grace and forgiveness!

Even if we hate the unrighteousness some people display, Christians can never denigrate them for their opinions. It is so tempting for me to think of snarky remarks when someone says something I disagree with. But what does the Lord think of my smart remarks? Do I think he doesn’t care when I spread badwill toward fellow image bearers?

This doesn’t mean we never confront people. Jesus called out the hypocrites as sharply as anyone. So spreading goodwill doesn’t mean we never voice opposition. But we don’t oppose people by dehumanizing them. Instead, we cultivate kindness, humility, and respect for others even as we address uncomfortable truths.

In business, goodwill refers to the intangible asset that increases a company’s value. Variables like the company’s brand, or its customer relationships come into play during assessments. The stronger the goodwill developed by the corporation, the greater its worth.

I think we can learn a lesson from this. If we consider ourselves as part of the company of the “upright,” let’s make sure we offer goodwill toward others. Let’s view goodwill as the powerful commodity it is. It yields an inestimable return.

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