What’s A Win?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

I was at a conference once when the speaker challenged us to think about what we consider a win. I’ve never forgotten the illustration he used. He said a “win” for the sound team at their church occurred when no one looked back at the sound board during the service. Their “win” was simply not to draw attention to themselves by messing up!

I think it’s important to look for wins in the small areas of life. Someone has said good is the enemy of the best. And it may well be if our standard devolves into a permanent “good enough” mentality. But focusing on the best can negate all the good steps it takes to arrive at the end goal. I’ve known women who desperately wanted their husbands to change. When their husbands started to take tiny steps, the women still complained because their progress wasn’t moving quickly enough. They ended up sabotaging the very thing they hoped for. “Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well,” penned Shakespeare.

Although I definitely don’t fall into the perfectionist category, over the years I’ve found much freedom in lowering my expectations on people and plans. I remember when a whole evening out for dinner could be spoiled because I didn’t like where we were seated. Now I spend more time being grateful that we got to eat out in the first place.

Failing to appreciate the small wins in life stifles gratitude. Once we limit our wins to the end goal, we stop enjoying the journey. Paul admonishes us to be thankful in all circumstances. I believe that all includes, well, all. It’s amazing how many wins we can pull out of losses if we look hard enough. Focusing on mistakes, defeats and disappointments only adds to our frustration. Trusting God to use them redemptively makes way for contentment and happiness. I would call that a win!

This Thanksgiving week is a good time to look for wins. When something or someone doesn’t live up to your expectations, don’t focus on the loss. Intentionally shift your attention to those small pockets of victory. Your thankful heart will make you a true winner.

So what’s a win for you today?

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