Blustery Days

John 3:8 “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

As I looked out my window, I watched the tops of the trees dance like winsome marionettes. The wind howled, causing weak limbs to fall and loose leaves to flutter in its autumn gust. In the words of Winnie the Pooh, it was a “rather blustery day.”

Since our property has a fair amount of trees, blustery days can be inconvenient. They usually mean more work. Fallen branches have to be picked up. Sometimes the winds down power lines. And blustery days definitely mess up my hair.

In spite of the somewhat reckless nature of blustery days, they stir up my sense of adventure. Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to the wind. Unpredictable. Intriguing. Powerful. He says that’s what lives in everyone who knows him. Pretty amazing if you think about it. The Holy Spirit—the third person of the Trinity—is born inside every believer! It makes who we are and what we do incomprehensibly significant.

Os Guinness, in his book Carpe Diem Redeemed, writes, “Under the twin truths of God’s sovereignty and human significance, time and history are going somewhere and each of us is not only unique and significant in ourselves, but we have a unique and significant part to play in our own lives in our own generation, and therefore in the overall sweep of history.”

I think a world of people who are drowning with feelings of insignificance could use a few blustery days. Days when the Holy Spirit rushes in to dispose of a few dead limbs of empty philosophy and rotting fruit. Days reminding us of a force so incredible that it can sweep away the guilt of our past and kindle hope for new seasons.

Let’s not resist the gales of the Holy Spirit. Let’s not be afraid of those blustery days. There is One who knows where the wind blows, who wants us to help him write history.  So open your heart to His prevailing winds.


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