Hope or Hype?

Psalm 71:14 “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.”

The culture tries to paint a picture of hope. But I’m afraid it often seems more like hype. How many times we’ve been at a Penn State football game, we’re behind, and the band starts to play, Don’t Stop Believin.’ As much as I love Penn State football, and as much as I hope they will win, I really don’t think my believing they will win makes one bit of difference {especially now without Trace McSorley or Saquon Barkley}. My hope is wishful thinking. Strong wishful thinking, but it isn’t based on anything solid.

Or often on Facebook, people who are facing some difficulty ask for “good thoughts,” or “good vibes.” I have to wonder; how can simply thinking fondly about someone affect the outcome of their doctor’s appointment or open-heart surgery? It seems to me a poor substitute for prayer. Prayer has a basis for hope because it directs our good thoughts and good vibes to the One who can actually affect the outcome.

King David declares in Psalm 71 he will always have hope. To appreciate his frame of mind, it’s important to understand his circumstances. Old age has crept up on him. His strength is waning and his enemies are taking full advantage. They conspire against him, they mock him, they taunt him with lies, saying God has left him. David laments his troubles as “many and bitter.” Yet instead of giving in to despair, he steadfastly asserts he will not stop hoping in God.

Neither wishful thinking nor good vibes from the universe provide the foundation for his hope. His hope is built upon what he knows about the character of God. He recalls God’s faithfulness in the past. God has come through for David his whole life, and he will not forsake him now when he is “old and gray.”

This is what I call “true hope” because it’s anchored in the unchanging character of hope’s author.

If you are a follower of Christ, you have access to true hope. A hope built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. Nothing stands stronger. No matter what trial you might be facing, you have reason to hope. And that’s not hype, my friend.

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