
John 11:21-22 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.  But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”

“Yet Lord, I know even now you can deliver her.” I was surprised to find myself writing those words while praying for someone who was doing irreparable harm to her body. I’d prayed for her before. If anything her situation had become worse. Deception was running rampant in her thoughts, lassoing every last trace of truth. But as I presented her before the Lord, something felt different. Although I had little to base my hope on, the words—even now—ignited a spark of faith that went beyond wishful thinking.

Even now. Where had I heard that before?  

John, Chapter 11, recounts the story of Lazarus’ death. When he fell ill, his sisters, Martha and Mary, sent for Jesus to come and heal him. But by the time Jesus arrived at their home, Lazarus was not only dead, but lay three days in the tomb. If ever a situation appeared irreversible, this qualified. Yet Martha, who apparently didn’t recognize the power of her words (v.39), says, “I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”

Martha may not have had the faith at that moment to believe what she said, but Jesus did. He asked God for the impossible and God delivered the impossible (v. 41-44). Lazarus rose from death.

As believers in Christ we ought never limit God’s workings to our natural thinking. We have precedent in scripture to trust him to come through in situations that seem hopeless.  And even if what we pray for turns out differently than we expect, even then we can continue to put our hope in a God of limitless power, love and grace. Nothing exists in his universe that he will not turn into good for those who love him.

Today, are you struggling over some “irreversible” situations? Are you carrying burdens for people that require from you a lot more than wishful thinking? God remains in the miracle-working business. He hears you. He desires for you to trust him… even now, my friend, even now.

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