I Pledge Allegiance to Myself

Proverbs 3:3-4 “Never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. Tie them around your neck; write them on your heart. If you do this, both God and people will be pleased with you.” [GNTA]

“Loyal, loyal to our West High; raise those banners high; we will fight for you forever; fight, fight, fight’s our cry….” You know you’re getting old when you can’t remember the rest of the words to your high school fight song. And I was a cheerleader! Fortunately, one post on Facebook and the missing lines were supplied.

But it got me thinking about loyalty. I haven’t lived in my hometown since I left for college, but I guess there’s a part of me that will always be a “west sider.” Although I still have great affection for my roots, the lofty pledge of fighting for West High forever has been replaced with other bonds.  Different seasons call for different allegiances. But the quality of loyalty ought never be discarded.

Scripture tells us to never let go of loyalty and faithfulness. It pleases God (as well as people) when our lives display loyalty. Devotion to something outside of ourselves helps us move away from the predominant it’s all about me mentality. Loyalty pushes us beyond our momentary expectations. We love our team, even when they lose. We stay committed to our spouses even when they disappoint us. We don’t abandon our country even when we disagree with policy. We remain devoted to God even when we don’t understand what he’s doing.

It seems like the biggest threat to loyalty lies disguised in self-worship. We remain loyal only if it benefits me. This, of course, isn’t a bad thing when it comes to consumable items. But brand loyalty doesn’t fit in how we see people. Or God. Especially God.

No one displays more loyalty to you and to me than God. He has given everything in order to set us free from sin and condemnation. He promises not to let anything separate us from his love—ever. He will always fight for us and with us so we can walk in victory (Romans 8:31-39). Given his unmatched faithfulness, isn’t he worthy of receiving our utmost loyalty in return?

Friend, don’t be deceived in pledging allegiance to yourself. Pledge your devotion to the One who deserves it.


2 Replies to “I Pledge Allegiance to Myself”

  1. Yes! There is no one as devoted to us as God. He was and is and evermore shall be the same God that was faithful, yet disappointed in the Isralites. He provided for them a leader, a cloud by day and night, raimnet, protection during their 40 year excursion in the desert. They could not be devoted to Him. That same God is our provider and protecter and has given us a Savior..we still cannot be faithful and devoted to Him. What more could He do?

  2. So true my dear friend, we do have very good memories growing up and guess what lol I remember our fight song but the main thing is be loyal to our Saviour our family’s and I do believe God will be pleased!