Satan’s Victory Song

1 Thessalonians 3:2-3 “We sent Timothy, who is our brother and co-worker in God’s service in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith, so that no one would be unsettled by these trials.”

The waiting time—that interminable period between crying out to God and receiving an answer—poses one of the greatest threats to our Christian walk. The unknown looms ahead, fear bites at our heels and insecurity rises within. Facts not lost on the enemy of our souls who can’t wait to infuse our circumstances with his nasty little lies. All designed to quench the fire of our faith and extinguish the candle of hope. Discouragement is Satan’s victory song.

Paul was concerned the Thessalonians would fall into that trap of discouragement as they waited after hearing about his trials. So he sent Timothy to encourage them to stand firm. But what Timothy found when he arrived in Thessalonica was not a body of people steeped in fear. He witnessed a strong, faith-filled church whose love and trust in God was drowning out Satan’s discordant melody. Paul’s absence actually made them stronger. They learned to lean on God as they waited. And they flourished because of it.

Waiting times are like two-edged swords. They bring us down if we take the bait of Satan. Or they provide opportunities for us to grow stronger. Just as Paul sent Timothy, so God sends us to encourage brothers and sisters who wrestle with discouragement as they wait.

As fellow believers, we must sing louder than the enemy. In Chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians, Paul exhorts us to “encourage one another and build each other up” (v. 11). I have some friends who are experiencing pretty excruciating waiting times right now. Satan is pursuing them with relentless lyrics of hopelessness and despair, but I’m singing psalms of life over them. “You are my strength, I sing praise to…my God on whom I can rely” (Ps. 59:17). “As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice” (Ps. 55:16-17).

Is God asking you to encourage an “unsettled” friend? Don’t hesitate. Go spoil Satan’s victory song of discouragement and belt out the truth!

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