Night Vision Goggles…Day By Day

2 Kings 6:17 “And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Have you ever been in need of night vision goggles?

You’re familiar with them. Used primarily by the military, law enforcement, hunters and of course, many high-suspense TV shows, they take the small amount of light available at night and intensify it, allowing the viewer’s eyes to perceive images in the dark they wouldn’t normally see. But do you know about spiritual night vision googles?

Elisha’s servant certainly needed night vision googles. The army from Aram surrounded the city where Elisha and his servant were lodging. This powerful militia had orders to capture Elisha. When his servant saw the great force, he cried, “Oh no! What shall we do?” Elisha calmly explained to him not to fear. There were more on their side than the enemy’s. Then he asked the Lord to open his servant’s eyes to reveal what before was invisible. The hills overflowed with the celestial army of the Lord. The enemy had no chance.

Some of my greatest joys in life occur when I see God working behind the scenes. When he opens my eyes to recognize the spiritual reality of His hand working for my good, I’m doubly blessed. Blessed because something worked out; blessed because I perceive He did it. Like the time I came home after my week long stay in the hospital. Wondering if I would ever be useful again, I received a call out of nowhere to speak at a ladies’ retreat. I knew the Lord wanted to assure me I still had something to give.

Lyrics from Godspell come to mind:

Oh dear Lord, three things I pray…see Thee more clearly…love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly…day by day.

When I put on those night goggles, I see the Lord more clearly, and that moves me to love him more dearly, which compels me to follow him more nearly.

I hope you, too, put on those night googles and pray for those three things… . Every day. Every single day.

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