COPD Christians

copd2James 1:6 “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

My mother suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The airways traveling to her lungs had been damaged, making it difficult to breathe. Consequently, she had to be on oxygen 24/7. In similar fashion, we as Christians sometimes suffer from a kind of spiritual COPD when we are coopted by doubt….

Doubt has staggering power. It clogs the airways that breathe life into our faith. The major culprit behind 80% to 90% COPD cases is smoking. Doubt, if you will, serves as the cigarettes of diminishing spiritual life.

Sometimes we inhale doubt when what we’ve prayed for hasn’t happened. Days, weeks, even years go by, and our faith weakens. The other day I was walking down the street questioning God as to whether I should continue to pray for answers to situations that have in my estimation been long overdue. Right at that moment I glanced over at a house. In its window hung a huge sign that read DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP.  That seemingly insignificant sign offered me a fresh breath of encouragement that dispelled the mounting doubt. Doubt always tells us to give up…to stop praying…to stop hoping…to stop believing. It plays to our impatience and caters to the lust of having what we want when we want it.

Doubt hinders our journey from faithfulness to faith. It entices us to settle for all things natural without the possibility of divine intervention. Doubt feels quite comfortable when we lean on our own understanding and refuse to move beyond. But if we reach no further than our intellect can take us, how far can we go? We will end up with compromised airways. Limited. Confined. Just like a person tied to an oxygen tank.

Whatever you are facing today, don’t be co-opted by doubt. We are told to believe when we ask God and not let doubt sabotage our requests. Does it take effort? Yes. But your resolution to trust the Lord will keep the winds of uncertainty from whipping you around. God has promised that we can do all things through him who gives us strength.…(Philippians 4:16).

Do you believe that? Breathe in the faith that will keep you from becoming a COPD Christian.

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