Flight 93 and the Big Picture


Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Thoughts of “Let’s roll,” Todd Beamer’s indelible words, spun through my mind as we approached the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, PA. It is hallowed ground. The simplicity of the architectural design and the long winding road to the memorial itself causes a certain pensiveness and sobriety. The vertical marble stones etched with each passenger and crew member’s name who died in the crash reminded me of the true meaning of courage.

Certain facts struck me. Did you know the plane was delayed 25 minutes in taking off due to weather? The flight was in the air 45 minutes before the hijackers took over. They attempted to control the passengers by telling them to remain seated-that there was a bomb on board and they were heading back to the airport to have their demands met. However, as the passengers began calling home on their cell phones they soon learned the true story: the World Trade Center and Pentagon had been attacked; theirs was no “ordinary hijack.” Flight 93 was to be the next instrument of destruction against the United States if they did nothing to stop it….Their decision to take over the cockpit stands as one of the greatest acts of bravery in American history.

But what if their plane hadn’t been delayed those 25 minutes? The holdup gave time for reports of the other bombings to be broadcast. The passengers knew they were part of something bigger than themselves. Something so big  it motivated them to lay down their lives for the sake of their fellow Americans.

It reminds me of how Satan seeks to isolate believers. He lures us away from fellowship until after a while, we forget we’re a part of something bigger. Life reduces to one tiny personal sphere. Certainly not something big enough to die for. That’s just the way our adversary wants it.

There are many in the Body of Christ today who are succumbing to his deception. Yet we are given the opportunity to “consider how we may spur” them on. We can pray that their faith will not be hijacked. Help them see there’s something larger at stake. Warn them with the love of Christ not to be subdued with lies that “keep them under the enemy’s control.” They don’t know three other planes have attacked so they think it’s just about them.

Before it’s too late…Let’s roll.


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