Everything Jesus


Romans 11:36 “For from him and through him and for him are all things.” 

When my cousin Katy gave birth to her first child her photography bent kicked in. Throughout her pregnancy and the birth, she compiled her many-many-photos into an album entitled “Everything Baby.” All who have expected and experienced a newborn know those words aptly describe the lives of novice parents. Those newly born little ones have a way of consuming our minds, hearts and activities 24/7. 

Katy’s album made me think of another “everything.” Lately I’ve been finding myself repeating the phrase “everything Jesus…everything Jesus.” Fifteen letters, five syllables, two words that I want to permeate the sentences, paragraphs and chapters of my life. When I enter a room, rather than sucking the air out of it with self-consciousness, I want to bring a God-consciousness. I’m tired of working on my agenda; I want to herald His. Rather than being frustrated with my limitations, I want what I can’t do to flow seamlessly into what He can.

The book of Hebrews offers a litany of “everything Jesus.” He is the maker, sustainer and heir of all things, the exact representation of God (1:1-3). He suffered death to atone for the sins of all mankind in order to make us his brothers and sisters (2:10). He is able to sympathize with us in our weaknesses and help us find grace in our time of need (4:16). He lives to intercede on our behalf (7:25). His blood actually cleanses our consciences (9:14). The list goes on…No wonder Scripture tells us to “fix our thoughts on Jesus” (3:1).

 Sometimes I think we consign Jesus to the part of our lives entitled Spirituality. Look for Him in the Intellectual, Social, or Professional sections and He’s nowhere to be found. Yet the true joy of living comes when He infuses every slice of life.  Oswald Chambers puts it this way: “I am here not to realize myself, but to know Jesus.” So whether I’m counseling a friend or cleaning my house, watching a movie with my husband or teaching a class, whether I’m writing at a secluded cottage by Lake Erie or surrounded by fans at a football game, I want it all to be about Jesus….A photo album of “Everything Jesus.” 

How about you?


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